Our initial assessment process

As our name suggests, CHOICE is at the heart of our culture and the service we provide.

We want people to live their life in the way that they choose to, so we provide highly personalised care and support that enables independence and social inclusion. 

We ensure that all our care plans are person centred with a focus on safeguarding. This means that people’s health, well-being and rights are protected while providing the care and support they need to enjoy life.

Before creating a care plan we carry out an initial assessment. This helps us get to know someone, tailor our services to their needs and decide how often to visit them.

Here is what you can expect from the initial assessment process:

  1. We begin by consulting and carefully listening to the people that matter the most. That is the individual, their immediate family and their healthcare professionals. This is to find out their preferences, their needs and the services they require.
  2. We then use this information and work closely with the individual concerned to create a detailed care plan. Ensuring we meet their clinical, personal, social and educational needs while maintaining their independence. This helps to provide a more holistic experience for the people we support.
  3. Our specialist recruitment team will then work with the family and the individual to identify the best people, with the correct skills and experience to provide high quality care and support in the home.

We will then create a care plan and share it with you and your loved one for approval. When costs and the care plan have been signed off, we can start visiting right away.

During the initial assessment you should expect to be fully involved, with the needs of you and your whole family considered. We want to hear your personal history and life story and find out how we can help you achieve what you want from your day-to-day life.

It’s important to emphasise that confidentiality is essential to us. This is about protecting the privacy of you or your loved one. We guarantee that any information you share, either through talking to us or writing a message, will be kept between only you and the intended recipient. 

This is part of the Data Protection Act and applies to any other professionals in your care network. Including doctors, nurses, social workers and social care providers. However, they are required to report it if they feel that someone’s safety is at risk and will do so through official channels.

If you are looking for support to help you live safely at home or just want to find out more about homecare in Blackburn, please contact us on  01254 504905. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have and can provide all the information that you will need.