Safeguarding your rights and protecting your privacy
Safeguarding is an essential part of giving care. It means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and helping them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
Confidentiality is about protecting you or your loved one’s privacy. When you talk to us or write a message, that information will be kept between you and the intended recipient. This applies to other professionals in your care network such as doctors, nurses, social workers and social care providers under the Data Protection Act. However, they are required to report it if they feel you, your loved one or someone else’s safety is at risk and will do so through the official channels.
Safeguarding and Confidentiality Policy
If you would like a copy of our Safeguarding or Confidentiality Policy, please contact us and we would be happy to send you a copy.
To learn more about a condition, organisation or the support available from the care sector we recommend the websites below.