How to introduce the idea of homecare

We understand that discussing the topic of care with your loved one can be a daunting process.

Whether you’re a caregiver and finding it difficult to provide the support they need on top of your other commitments, or you can see your loved one could benefit from professional help, there will come a time when you need to consider your options.

But how do you introduce the idea of homecare?

Read on for more information and support to guide you through these conversations, highlighting common obstacles and how to overcome them.

Preparing for the conversation

Approaching the topic can be difficult for all involved. Remember to try and communicate that this is a two-way discussion. Let the person know that this is their decision and your role is simply to inform them of available options, because you want the best for them.

Know what the pros and cons of care are. It’s important to be informed on the subject to identify any challenges and help your loved one overcome them by focusing on the positives. 

Choosing the right time and place for the conversation will really help your loved one to be more receptive. Ensure they are in a comfortable setting and allow for as much time as possible for you both to express your views.

Reach out for guidance. You may find support in confiding in another family member or friend who has been through a similar experience. They may even be willing to talk you through possible scenarios to help you prepare.

Plan your opening line. If you notice your loved one is starting to have newfound difficulties with tasks then you could start the conversation by gently asking how they are managing. Try not to jump into the conversation with solutions first as this can create a barrier in the conversation before it’s started.

Raising the subject

Starting the conversation can be difficult for both of you. Make sure that you are calm and involve your loved one as much as possible.

Consider using a gentle and encouraging tone of voice. Make sure you listen to them, maintain eye contact with a relaxed body-language, let them know you’re there for them and pay attention to what they say. Give them plenty of reassurance and time. 

Overcoming common challenges

Your loved one may refuse to talk to you about their care needs. In which case, try not to take it to heart. They may be more comfortable talking to someone who isn’t as close to them. If that’s the case, try asking if there’s someone you can help them reach out to, such as a healthcare professional. 

If they are fiercely independent they might insist they can manage on their own. Ask them if there’s anything they are finding more difficult than usual and then advise about relevant services that can help.

When someone receives a diagnosis of a progressive illness or they’re struggling to accept that they’re becoming more frail, it can feel scary and overwhelming. First and foremost, have patience. These changes can be hard to come to terms with. Empathise and reassure them that you are here to help find the right support to enable them living as independently as possible.

Following up

It’s likely that your conversation about care will be one of many. Talking about care is complex but if you involve your loved one in the process they may feel more in control and open to the idea of extra help. Support can be brought in gradually, allowing time for your loved one to become more comfortable.

If you need any more guidance then please contact us at Choice Care. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we are more than happy to help. Chat to our team on 01254 504905.